Aikido Yamato Buikukai Arraijan West Panama
We are an organization from aikidō under the Aikikai line, with the recognition of World Aikido Headquarters. Our Headquarters in Arraiján is an extension of the Aikido Yamato Buikukai Panama Group. We are under the direction and supervision of Master Hirotoshi Yabuuchi 7th Dan Aikikai.
Instructor in Charge
"Aikido represents in my life, the guide
of what is right, the path of it must be.
It is the north, when everyday situations overwhelm; the voice of encouragement when I face my disappointments and the perfect escape from work stress.
Aikido has improved the focus of my life, making me put aside negative feelings, and focus on giving the best of me, always striving to improve myself.
It is for me, the way to contribute to make other human beings feel like better people, useful and capable of offering their talent to improve Society."
He begins the practice of Aikido in the University group of Aikido Aikikai of Panama.
The practice of Aikido continues under the direction of Sensei Gabriel Vega, National Director of Aikido Yamato Buikukai
He receives the authorization to organize the Buikukai Arraiján Dojo in the province of Panamá Oeste, of which he is the Instructor in charge.
Participate in the International Seminar 2020 and receive promotion to the degree of
3rd Dan, recognized by the Aikikai.
• Thursday of 7:00 p.m. ~ 8:00 p.m.
• Tuesday (Special Classes)
• Registration: USD $25.00
Monthly Contribution:
• USD $25.00 per person
(Cash or Transfer)
Courtesy Visits:
• First two (2) visits: "Free"